
Excitement is an anxiety killer... I think

What's going on...

This next trip will be to Romania, Ukraine and Uganda

As excited as I am about the whole trip, we've been faced with some interesting challenges. While in Romania we have two meetings that have been keeping me up at night.

One is with the director of a ministry that works in many countries around the world doing children's ministry. We want to explore the relationship between the Book of Hope and their ministry. How they could use the Book of Hope to reach out to students that we cannot reach.

The other meeting is with a District School Director. Basically this is the person who can give us permission to go into all the shools in his district. Possibly thousands of schools, and hundreds of thousands of kids could receive the Book of Hope with his approval.

Uganda is now called the "Birthplace of Aids" Many people believe that it can be traced back to a single town. Please pray for our team as we enter a culture almost destroyed by this deadly disease.

So maybe excitement isn't the killer, but the promoter. Either way, I keep waking up before my alarm, ugh.


Change is the only certain thing.

If life was certain then it wouldn't be any fun. There wouldn't be any adventure, no surprises no twists and turns. When I arrived here in Florida thinking that I would be travelling to India this Spring, I was shocked to find out that instead, we'd be going to Romania, Ukraine and Uganda. I guess India will have to wait.

Imagine what it would really be like knowing our future, knowing where you're going, who you'll meet and what will happen. It's comforting knowing that even with the crazy world we live in, there is God who looks at us and smiles, cries, grieves and maybe even shows us off to a few of his friends. It's nice to know that my life is safe in his hands, my life is unstoppable until his goal is accomplished with this me in this world. It's good going to sleep at night knowing that there's someone next to me helping to figure out what it's all about, giving me a purpose and a calling.

At least, that's what I think. Hope you like the pictures!